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Under the Human Rights Act 1998, all public authorities, including the Home Office (UK Visas & Immigration) and its immigration officers, are prohibited from acting in a manner that contradicts the rights outlined in the European Convention on Human Rights. These rights are extended to every individual within the United Kingdom and those under the authority and control of UK immigration authorities. At WPC Lawyers, we prioritize the protection of human rights and ensure that all immigration processes adhere to these fundamental principles. 



If you face the risk of persecution in your country and cannot return due to this danger, you may be eligible for refugee status and the right to remain in the UK. In such cases, you should apply for asylum. The protection you receive is based on the 1951 Refugee Convention, which is incorporated into UK law. The UK authorities must safeguard you from “refoulement,” which refers to your involuntary return to a country where you may face persecution. At WPC Lawyers, we can help you through the asylum process and ensure your protection and safety in the UK. 



If you have been granted asylum or humanitarian protection status in the UK and have held this status for 5 years, you can apply for refugee settlement. It is essential to apply before the expiry of your 5-year permission grant. Moreover, any dependents who were granted asylum or humanitarian protection at the same time as you and were dependent on your claim may also be included in the application. At WPC Lawyers, we can assist you in the settlement application process and help secure your long-term status in the UK.